The Parol

It is Christmas again. Students from Filipino Language classes are busy creating parol in different styles and different materials from simple paper bags to recycled materials. However, before they create they learn the significance of Parol and Filipino perspective of Parol. This video entitled “Where did the Parol Come From” by AskKirby is a good start to explore the origin and importance of Parol.

Since this video is in English,beginners will benefit from this. To immerse them in Filipino language, teachers can provide a follow-up activity by giving a simplified text in Filipino Language. Here is a video from Disney Channel Africa that will guide students on how to make a traditional Parol.

Here’s a video from LInda Lomelino using paper bags.

Maligayang Pasko! Enjoy making your own Parol to have a personal touch this Christmas.

Gng. Cruz’ Filipino Language class

Paper Bags Lantern