These materials attempt to provide CSET:Filipino takers with basic review notes covering solely domains in Subtest I: General Linguistics and Linguistics of the Target Language, Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions and Cultural Analysis and Comparisons. Thus, other domains in Subtest II are not included and discussed here.
These review notes include brief definitions and explanations with simple examples and illustrations, as reinforced by entries taken from relevant and related sources, as indicated. Some Practice Exercises are likewise provided for test-takers to work on as a way of assessing their comprehension and to enhance their preparations on topics discussed.
With the scheduled test dates for CSET:Filipino on August 26 - September 22, 2024, the facilitators will make themselves available to moderate, facilitate and respond to the online comments and questions that test-takers may have during the three weeks leading up to the test date. They simply need to send email: ava.cset@gmail.com or litt.review@yahoo.com about their inquiries, among others, and for which the facilitators will try to respond within 48 hours.
Moreover, past CSET:Filipino test-passers have obliged themselves to act as `resource persons’ and are willing to share their experiences, inputs and/or any related inquiries, as part of this collaborative effort, especially on areas not covered in these review notes.
Considering the voluminous existing reading materials available, it is highly and strongly recommended that every test-taker study extensively all related topics. The need for internalizing and re-reading is over-emphasized here and therefore, there is absolutely no substitute for such necessity.
This is to acknowledge with sincere thanks the collaborative efforts of the Language Acquisition Research Center of San Diego State University (LARC-SDSU) and the Council for Teaching Filipino Language and Culture (CTFLC) for this pilot project.
For General Information about the CSET Program, please go to:
For particular reference to the CSET:Filipino General Examination Information on Test Guides (Subtests I & II): Sample Questions and Responses, will definitely give a clear picture and first-hand overall idea about the examination.
Good luck!
Atilio V. Alicio, Ph.D.
Email: ava.cset@gmail.com
Ofelia C. Rayos, Ed.D.
Facilitator, Literature Component
Email: litt.review@yahoo.com